Sales Portal
Please log in here and be sure that you have the function "Sales Representative [ISA/DIRECT]".
Afterwards you will be automatically forwarded to the Sales Portal.
How to access the Sales Portal:
Not yet registered?
If you are not registered yet, please fill out the registration form and choose one of the functions “Sales Representative [ISA/DIRECT]”. If you have finished your registration process, we will check your email address and give you the access to the Sales Portal. Checking your e-mail address can take some time, after verification you will receive a confirmation.
Already registered?
If you are already registered at the Richard Wolf Website, please login and check if you have the function “Sales Representative [ISA/DIRECT]” at your personal dashboard. If not click on “User Data”, choose the right function at the form and click submit. Please be aware of that checking your e-mail address can take some time. After verification you will receive a confirmation.
Please check your function!