Photodynamic diagnostic (PDD) & bipolar en bloc resection (ERBT) in Frankfurt
Educator / speaker:
The urology department at the St. Katharinen Hospital in Frankfurt am Main is one of the largest in the Rhine-Main area. The hospital has historically focused on surgical oncology in particular. One of the most common diagnoses is tumors of the urinary bladder. Dr. Steffen Relecker, Chief Physician for urology, has worked intensively in the area of bladder malignomas for over 20 years. Many years of experience from countless endoscopic bladder procedures and his expertise in fluorescence endoscopy (PDD) with Hexvix©, narrow-band imaging (NBI) and laser, monopolar, and bipolar en bloc resection in particular make Dr. Relecker a renowned expert in this field.

Dr. med. Steffen Relecker
Chief Physician in Urology
Tel.: +49 69 4603-1261
Program in Frankfurt
Day 1 – "Get together":
Restaurant to be announced
5:30 p.m. Welcome
5:45 p.m. Introduction
- Presentation of patients for bladder tumor resection using PDD
- Background information on resection techniques and imaging methods
6:45 p.m. Discussion
7:00 p.m. Dinner together

Day 2 – "Live surgeries":
St. Katharinen-Hospital, Frankfurt
7:30 a.m. Travel to hospital together
- Depart from hote
8:00 a.m. Welcome
8:15 a.m. Use of equipment
- Presentation of instruments
- Presentation of devices
9:15 a.m. Break
9:45 a.m. Using Hexvix©
- Preparing the Hexvix© solution
- Administering the Hexvix© solution
10:45 a.m. Live procedure I*
- PDD-assisted en bloc resection of bladder tumor (ERBT)
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Live procedure II*
- PDD-assisted en bloc resection of bladder tumor (ERBT)
2:30 p.m. Discussion
3:00 p.m. End of session
Individual departure
*At changeover times, it may be possible to participate in additional procedures

English or German
Sankt Katharinen-Hospital GmbH
Seckbacher Landstraße 65
60389 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel.: +49 69 4603-1261
Motel One Frankfurt-East Side
Hanauer Landtraße 142
60314 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel.: +49 69 1302578 0