Photodynamic diagnostic (PDD) & bipolar en bloc resection (ERBT)
Educator / speaker:
The urology department at University Hospital Bonn is one of the leading urology centers in the Rhineland and a German Cancer Society-certified bladder cancer center. Renowned urologist Professor Manuel Ritter has been the Chief Physician for urology and pediatric urology there since December 2018. Professor Ritter and his Senior Physician, Dr. Stein, have many years of experience in urological oncology and employ the latest technology in the treatment of bladder tumors, both in diagnosis and in minimally invasive surgery. Numerous procedures using fluorescence endoscopy (PDD) with Hexvix©, narrow-band imaging (NBI), en bloc resection and bipolar/monopolar TUR of the bladder mark out Professor Ritter as an unparalleled expert in this field.

Dr. med. Johannes Stein
Senior Physician
Universitätsklinikum Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 287-14184
Program in Bonn
Day 1 – "Get together":
Restaurant to be announced
5:30 p.m. Welcome
5:45 p.m. Introduction
- Presentation of patients for PDD & ERBT
- Background information on resection techniques and imaging methods
6:45 p.m. Discussion
7:00 p.m. Dinner together

Day 2 – "Live surgeries":
University Hospital Bonn
7:30 a.m. Travel to hospital together
- Depart from hotel
8:00 a.m. Welcome
8:15 a.m. Use of equipment
- Presentation of instruments
- Presentation of devices
9:15 a.m. Break
9:45 a.m. Using Hexvix©
- Preparing the Hexvix© solution
- Administering the Hexvix© solution
10:45 a.m. Live procedure I*
- PDD-assisted en bloc resection of bladder tumor (ERBT)
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Live procedure II*
- PDD-assisted en bloc resection of bladder tumor (ERBT)
2:30 p.m. Discussion
3:00 p.m. End of session
Individual departure
*At changeover times, it may be possible to participate in additional procedures

English or German
University Hospital Bonn Clinic and Outpatient Department for Urology and
Pediatric Urology
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn, Germany
Hotel Dorint Venusberg Bonn
An der Casselruhe 1
53127 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49 228 288-0
Fax: +49 228 288-288