Richard Wolf @40th Annual EAU Congress in Madrid, Spain
Visit us: Hall 9, Booth B12
The 40th EAU Congress will take place in Madrid this year and we are excited to be part of it! For this year we have some special highlights for you! Visit us at booth G68 and learn all about our product solutions for stone therapy, endoscopic enucleation of the prostate and our System blue for photodynamic diagnostics. We are especially pleased about our excellent guest speakers who will present our products in exciting lectures - live and pre recorded.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at our booth!

Live-surgery with Dr. Gomez Sancha

HoLEP Enblock with virtual basket and Magneto
Date: 22nd March
Location: Green Area, eURO Auditorium 1
Time: 12:15 - 13:15
--> Channel: 0
Speaker: Dr. Fernando Gómez Sancha (ES)
Moderator: T. Bach, Hamburg (DE) - to be confirmed
Chair: A. Breda, Barcelona (ES)
Live-surgery with Dr. Straub

RIRS with Thulium Fiber Laser (TFL) – "Dust / Clott / Clean": Coagulation-controlled fragment extraction using a hydrogel
Date: 22rd March
Location: Green Area, eURO Auditorium 1
Time: 16:45 - 17:15
--> Channel: 2
Speaker: Dr. med. Michael Straub, Munich (DE)
Moderators: R. Miano, Rome (IT), C. Nedbal, Milan (IT)
Chair: A. Breda, Barcelona (ES)
Semi-live surgery with Dr. Netsch

En bloc ThuLEP
Date: 22rd March
Location: Green Area, eURO Auditorium 1
Time: 16:45 - 17:15
--> Channel 1
Speaker: Dr. med. Dr. habil. Christopher Netsch, Hamburg (DE)
Moderator: T. Tefik, Istanbul (TR) - to be confirmed
Chair: A. Breda, Barcelona (ES)

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